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Honoring Our Ancestors Yoga and Live Music Workshop

Join us on November 18, 2023 for a yoga workshop that Honors Our Ancestors while Pedro from Maya T'aan plays his Mayan Ancestoral flute music and instruments. This event will be available in-person and virtually.

 Purchase IN-PERSON event tickets by visiting this link HERE!

Purchase VIRTUAL event tickets by visiting this link HERE!


Connecting the mind, body, and Spirit through breath and movement 


Click HERE for my weekly in studio yoga classes


Mindfulness practice bringing ones Self into the present moment


A holistic approach to restoring balance  


Using handmade essential oil blends suited to ones needs


A gathering for Women to connect in Sisterhood


Purifying Your Sacred Spaces: A purifying yoga flow for the mind, body and soul; followed by a discussion about smudging

Spirit Animal Yoga: A yoga flow with animal inspired yoga poses and stories; followed by a discussion about our animal helpers and our interconnections to one another

Heart Chakra & Hand Drum Yoga: A yoga flow centered around the Heart Chakra with a guided hand drum meditation

Water Is Life Yoga: A yoga flow to promote blood circulation with a water meditation exercise followed by a discussion about water and it's importance to the human body

Honoring Our Ancestors Yoga: A yoga workshop dedicating our movement and breathing practice to our Ancestors from all 4 Directions with Land Acknowledgement & Yoga Lineage Acknowledgment 

Meditation for Crime Prevention: A discussion on what meditation is and how it can be a helpful tool for aiding communities in crime prevention followed by a guided meditation
Essential Oils for Emotions: A workshop on emotional well-being and how scents especially essential oils can be a helpful tool for emotional well-being

All offerings are available in-person or video call.

 All workshop yoga flows are suited for all levels and can be modified to be done in a chair.
Workshops are usually taught in a group setting but can be booked individually.
  I am available to travel. 

Sliding Scale payment options are available as needed for Indigenous People & Communities.


Bachelors of Social Work from Great Basin College/University of Nevada Reno

500 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher from a Registered Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga School

Women's Red Tent Facilitator Certified 

Certified to teach the following styles of yoga: Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yin Yoga, Hot Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Buti Yoga, Hot Buti Yoga, Buti Deep, Primal Flow 


Social Services Work Experience: (e.g. Domestic Violence Advocate in shelters for women & children; Director of an Inter-Tribal After-School Education Program; Food Pantry & Day Shelter Worker, Alcohol & Drug Programs, Crime Prevention Programs, Elders Tribal Programs, Diabetes Program and more) 

Yoga/Wellness Work Experience: Professionally teaching in yoga studios for 7 years; Warner Pacific University Women's Basketball Team Yoga Instructor, Team Building Yoga for Runners at the Ruby Mountain Relay, Shoshone Women's Circles & Land Connection Meditation at the Ruby Valley Treaty Conference, Tribal Hemp & Cannabis THC Magazine.

Corporate Yoga Instructor for Clackamas County  Clinic staff, Kaiser Permanente Dental Clinic staff, Oregon Health and Science University Administration staff, City Environmental Office staff members, Ebay employees and Individual Sessions 


"Veronica is the real deal!" - Shoshone Elder Yoga Attendee

"Veronica is amazing!!! She teaches the poses in such an easy way for beginners and makes it easy. I love that she gives the actual teaching of yoga while we do the poses and explains it. Her classes are always fun." -Yoga Student

"I always look forward to Thursday night power yoga. The simplest movements can make such a difference in my body, mind & heart." - Yoga Student